Effective leadership is essential for motivating teams, encouraging collaboration, and establishing trust in individuals. A successful leader establishes clear goals and offers the tools needed to achieve them, as well as ongoing support and direction (Imam & Zaheer, 2021). A leader can boost team motivation and productivity by creating an environment where members feel appreciated and supported. Ethics play an important role in directing team decision-making and conduct. Ethical values guarantee justice, honesty, and responsibility in all acts and relationships. Collaboration develops with a foundation of trust and respect, allowing team members to work cohesively toward common goals. Trust, support, and inspiration are characteristics of effective leadership, while ethical considerations support the team’s teamwork, eventually leading to success in meeting the organization’s objectives (Mercader et al., 2021).
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Being a leader is a privilege, and accepting the job involves understanding one’s own leadership skills and how they affect team motivation and collaboration. Leadership is critical in healthcare, particularly in nursing, because nurses account for a sizable proportion of hospital workers (Berridge et al., 2020). Recognizing one’s talents and flaws is critical for successful leadership.
Transformational leadership, which stresses self-development, interpersonal interactions, and skill advancement, is a common approach used by healthcare professionals. This technique uses inspiration and motivation to propel the team toward common goals. Furthermore, effective delegation is critical in nursing leadership because it enables efficient patient care delivery despite the demanding nature of the job.
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Nurse leaders must guarantee effective coordination and supervision when assigning responsibilities to other healthcare professionals, such as unlicensed assistive persons (UAP) if they want to maintain excellent care. This involves assessing patient evaluations and acting when required to improve patient outcomes (ANA Nursing Resources Hub, 2024). Encouraging intrinsic motivation and creating cooperative connections among team members are critical components of transformative leadership. Creating a healthy and collaborative work atmosphere with shared duties promotes teamwork and increases overall productivity. A blend of psychological qualities, emotional intelligence, and mental skills to uplift and encourage others is necessary for effective nursing leadership (Johari et al., 2021). Building mutual trust, treating team members equally, and acknowledging accomplishments are all essential for creating a productive and joyful work environment.
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Ethical issues are critical in nursing practice, with respect for patient autonomy at their core. However, complications occur when patients’ decision-making abilities are weakened, particularly in situations of advanced dementia (Molina-Mula & Gallo-Estrada, 2020). Balancing patient autonomy with their safety is a difficult ethical quandary. As a nurse leader, I must help patients discuss this problem while also providing a secure and respectful atmosphere. Maintaining the public’s faith in nursing professionalism necessitates active engagement in both clinical and non-clinical decision-making processes governed by ethical guidelines.
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Our team designed an approach to address the dilemma of guaranteeing patient safety while respecting autonomy. We created a system in which team members rotate every 30 minutes to check on patients, induce bed and chair alarms, and reorient disoriented patients. This preventative strategy has resulted in a considerable drop in fall rates over the last six months. We were able to increase patient outcomes and care quality by applying transformational leadership concepts such as effective communication and inspiring the team to concentrate on the bigger picture. However, it is critical to recognize that transformational leadership, although good, can also result in issues like as unrealistic timelines and long working hours. Balancing the possible downsides with the benefits of transformative leadership is critical for long-term success.
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Effective leadership, collaboration, and ethical principles are thought to be critical components of nursing practice and healthcare management. Nurse managers can navigate severe ethical quandaries while avoiding patient injury and injustice by being mindful of personal leadership qualities, making speaker/battering efforts, and believing in cooperation. If managed correctly, leadership styles and ethical concerns will impact patient outcomes and a good working atmosphere. Tackling these challenges is critical, however, because finding answers and achieving success in the field of health leadership requires the long-term implementation of a balanced leadership approach.
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Imam, H., & Zaheer, M. K. (2021). Shared leadership and project success: The roles of knowledge sharing, cohesion and trust in the team. International Journal of Project Management, 39(5). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijproman.2021.02.006
Mercader, V., Galván-Vela, E., Ravina-Ripoll, R., & Popescu, C. R. Gh. (2021). A Focus on Ethical Values under the Vision of Leadership, Teamwork, Effective Communication, and Productivity. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 14(11), 522. https://www.mdpi.com/1911-8074/14/11/522
Berridge, C., Lima, J., Schwartz, M., Bishop, C., & Miller, S. C. (2020). Leadership, Staff Empowerment, and the Retention of Nursing Assistants: Findings From a Survey of U.S. Nursing Homes. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 21(9), 1254-1259.e2. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jamda.2020.01.109
ANA Nursing Resources Hub. (2024, February 13). Delegation in Nursing: How to Build a Stronger Team. ANA. https://www.nursingworld.org/content-hub/resources/nursing-leadership/delegation-in-nursing/
Johari, J., Razali, N., Zainun, N. F. H., & Adnan, Z. (2021). Job Characteristics and Work Engagement: The Moderating Role of Emotional Intelligence. Performance Improvement Quarterly, piq.21378(10.1002). https://doi.org/10.1002/piq.21378
Molina-Mula, J., & Gallo-Estrada, J. (2020). Impact of nurse-patient relationship on quality of care and patient autonomy in decision-making. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(3), 835. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17030835
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