
NURS FPX 5012 Assessment 4 Personal Leadership Model

Personal Leadership Model Development
NURS FPX 5012 Assessment 4 Personal Leadership Model

Healthcare professlonals have to care about and plan not only the operationall aspects but also financial goals are Important for
ensuring progress. Emotional Inteligence is a strong skill that helps professionals to percelve thelr own emotions and understand
others. As a leading nurse in the healthcare organization, I faced significant challenges and obstacles that required me to develop
unique and mandatory leadership skills; with the Integration of personal leadership qualltles and competences, I can develop
values and change the organlzational culture for superlor outcomes (Garda-Sierra, 2018). In this report, the focus is on the
development of a personal leadership model based on my evaluation of how I should respond to critical challenges. This plan will
help me to develop and assess my own personal strengths and leadership style which I can use as a model for leadership within
the organization.

How emotional intelligence strengthens leadership skills
The current healtheare system is evolving in the United State which calls leaders to replace thelr outdated methods. Especially,
nursing leaders need to become efficient due to shortage of resources and turnover rates. Emotional Intelligence or El Is referred
to nurses’ abllity to Influence and motivate other employees and stakeholders to handle conflicts effectively. El helps nurses to be
aware of their own emotions and also understand thelr capabilitles and weaknesses that allow them to improve transformational
and authentic keadership (Goh, 2018). In our organization, the emotional needs of patelnts with diabetes type 2 and hypertension
Inpatients are Increasingly overwhelming. Using the Goldman’s Model of Emotional Intelligence, I as a nursing leader can develop
my emotional intelligence and lears skills and characteristies such as, self-awareness, self-regulation, and motivation.

NURS FPX 5012 Assessment 4 Personal Leadership Model

For example, the most crucial element of developing El as a leader is self-awareness. This can Increase the personal responsibility
of nursing leaders and practitioners who make mistakes and become responsible for thelr actions. This helps them to cope with
occupational arddeties and situstions which require leaders to reflect on thelr strengths and give constructive feedback. Moreover,
empathy Is another vital element of emotional inteligence that helps professionals to become more professional and thoughtful to
embrace change and help other team members to Improve patlent outcomes by demonstrating humility and respect (Lappalainen,
2020). Finally, emotional intelligence in my eyes also requires us to develop social skils such as soft skills like communication to
bulld strong professional relationships with stakeholders. Effective collaboration will ensure that all the team members in the
nursing department feel valuable. Therefore, as a part of leadership development, the emotional intelligence can be enhanced to
bring positive outcomes and overcome weaknesses.

Evidence-based leadership strategies for managing stressful situations
Since one Important task of an emotionally Inteligence leader is the stress management and anxlety-free endironment creation,
my duty to help other employees feel less burnout is crucial as an El-oriented nursing leader. For Instance, In our organization after
COVID-19, the Importance of making quick and wise decisions has Increased dramatically. Decision-making Is necessary because
the leaders have been facing a crisis without vital siills to controll thelr own stress. This Increased the anxiety In the whole
organization and also led to missing opportunities. Therefore, a sense of control is vital in these crisis-filled times. Stress has
caused abruptness in nurses and had made them Impatient (McCay, 2018). Therefore, the evidence suggests that prioritizing self-

care using emotional Intelligence can help nursing leaders to recharge and allow thelr teams to stay fueled and energetic (Splva et
al, 2020). Moreover, the study by Rasa (2020) on emotional Intelligence for leaders also states that leaders must prioritize
activitles such as exercise, outdoor trips, and meditation and prayer opportunities for team members in addition to help them
maintalning a proper diet. With extended working hours, It is vital for leaders to teach others to turn off computers after thelr
shifts and get a good night sleep [Wel et al., 2020). Aligning these leadership qualities with my own performance will allow me to
strengthen my leadership powers and apply them for solving the problems of my teams and the department. For example,
managing anxiety through fun exercises and outdoor meetings can reduce burnout in our nurses and will allow them to remain
motivated and highly energized in the toughest days. The overall result will be rejuvenation of my team with greater desire for

Personal leadership brand that reflects organizational direction and need
A leadership brand is useful in conveying the identity and distinctiveness as leaders in healthcare organizations. Developing
leadership brand is beneficial and crucial for on customers, partners and employees. The approach that I use to develop and
Identify my own leadership brand includes considering factors such as the organizatlonal needs and what do me represent and
what ls my call to action? Answering these questions can help me to develop my own leadership brand and become an extension
of my organization (Spiva et al, 2020). For example, I need to focus on tralts which come naturally and are vital to help me play my
role as a motivator and an emotionally Inteligent leader. Since a brand is a promise, belng true to myself will allow me to
understand my own values and pride. For example, I want people and employees to know me in the organization as an
emotionally intelligent and a transformational leader. This brand identify helps me to create value for my clients, employees, and
senlors without taking many risks. My leadership brand also allows me to make unusual decisions and take risks in situations when
there is no other way but to move forward and make progress. For example, as a leader, I can be known as a risk taker when the
COVID-19 or any other pandemic or a natural disaster strikes and make cruciall decisions to hire new remote employces due to sick
employees and high turnover rate. This could ralse cost but can also bring Intemnationally acclalmed remate employees to
contribute to our success.

Leadership strategies to guide highly effective teams
In complex healthcare organizations, the role of leaders is to transform the organlzation according to thelr mission and vision. The
role of a leader is strategic in terms that it allows outcomes of Inspiration, motivation, collaboration, and communication to foster
a culture of productivity and prowess (Secchla et al., 2021). Leading teams and ensuring rock star teams’ performance Is a trait of
emotionally intelligence and transformational leaders. I wil explain and align the personal strategles with the leadership tactics
and skills. The strategles I use to lead my teams of professional include:

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1. Cultivate self-awareness between nursing and workers’ teams which allows them to understand each other’s emotions,
strengths, motivations, and sensitivity.
2. Creating a personal philosophy of leadership by following theorles and tralts.
3. Another strategy Is to understand the roles of managers and followers and helping other employees to engage in managerial

NURS FPX 5012 Assessment 4 Personal Leadership Model

1. Using humor and fun to help teams understand vital goals and directions.
2. Demonstrating and Implementing accountability on my own using professional standards helps to focus on patient focused
3. Improving both non-verbal and verbal communication can allow me to malntain a warm and open endironment to help
people spend quallty time with each other’s and discs problems and disparities (Rasa, 2020).
4. Finally, bullding effective and stress-free teams Indlude a strategy to nurture an environment of change and show encouraging
support to employees for anticipating and welcoming change.

How Financial Forecasts Influence Leadership Style

NURS FPX 5012 Assessment 4 Personal Leadership Model
Strengthening leadership muscles can help to improve the organizational outcomes. It requires Improve the leadership muscles
and styles to take the company on a journey to success. As a best leader, my job is to communicate the vision of the organization
to attract positive talent and that also Includes maintalning a financial picture and palnting it adequately (McCay, 2018). For
example, the forecasting is a vital procedure that allows the healthcare organization to think about its financial vision; this process
helps to exercise my leadership muscles that allow me to assoclate the company’s vision with the financial outcomes. This also
allows me to put some barriers and limits on expenses which are unnecessary and harmful for the organization. This means that
financial forecast is vital communicating the vision to others and increases the company’s capltal to attract more Investors and
lenders (Lappalainen, 2020). In the end, it will pay dividends and will better help to allgn the employee’s goals with the company’s
financial goals.

Explains how leadership style aligns with organizational mission and values
To better sult the circumstances, the leadership styles must be clearly defined to align with the organizational vision and the
mission. As an effective business leader, identifying the objectives and values of the organization Is vital. However, the objectives
must be time bound, spedific, and measureable (Goh, 2018). Enduring that the nursing professionals align with the mission and the
vision of the organization such as Improving the quality of care by reducing 40% re-admissions In next three months is vital.
Managing employees and teams effectively for a nursing leader Is challenging and interesting. That Includes effective decision
making that explore the relationship between leadership and the capability of the organization that allows achleving strategle
goals. For Instance, using a charismatic leadership style will help me to communicate dear vision in presentation and company
mectings. Moreaver, charismatic leadership style will be helpful in motivating the employees and administrators using Sx Slgma
Quality Initlatives through knowledge and experience. I prefer charismatic and transformationall leadership style over autocratic
style because the latter does not help employees much to develop their own leadership qualities. Charismatic leadership allows
conveying and sharing skills and knowledge with others to enable nurses develop the similar qualities.

Morcover, there are situations and conditions where the above-stated leadership style and strategy can and must change. For
example, the Interaction between nurses and physiclans became extremely limited during the pandemic era. Fewer pateints were
coming in and the leaders falled to delegate regularly. Moreover, the team members were not getting professlonal advice from me,
Instead, they were silent and doubting my abllities of sincere opinions to help them survive and thrive during turbulent times
Garcia-Slerra, 2018). This allowed me to think deeply to change my leadership style and helped me to develop charlsma that

allowed other employees to trust me and approach me better.


Garcia-Slerra, R., & Fernandez-Castro, J. (2018). Relationships between leadership, structural empowerment, and engagement in
nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 74(12), 2809-2819.

Goh, A. M. J., Ang, S. Y., & Della, P. R. (2018). Leadership style of nurse managers as percelved by registered nurses: A cross-
sectional survey. Proceedings of Singapore Healtheare, 27(3), 205-210.

Lappalainen, M., Harkanen, M., & Kvist, T. (2020). The relationship between nurse manager’s transformational leadership style and
medication safety. Scandinavian journal of Caring Sciences, 34)2), 357-369.

NURS FPX 5012 Assessment 4 Personal Leadership Model

McCay, R., Lyles, A. A., & Larkey, L. (2018). Nurse leadership style, nurse satisfaction, and patlent satisfaction: a systematic
review. Joumnal of nursing cave qualty, 33(4), 361-367.

Raso, R, Fitzpatrick, J. J., & Masick, K. (2020). Clinical nurses’ perceptions of authentic nurse leadership and healthy work
environment. JONA: The journal of Nursing Administration, 509), 489-494.

Secchla, M. L, Cozzolino, M. R., Carini, E., Di Pilla, A., Galletti, C., Ricciardi, W., & Damiani, G. (2021). Leadership styles and nurses”
Job satisfaction. Results of a systematic review. Intemnational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18,4), 1552.

Spiva, L, Davis, S., Case-Wirth, J., Hedenstrom, L., Hogue, V., Box, M., … & Ahlers, L. (2020). The effectiveness of charge nurse
training on leadership style and resiliency. JONA: The journal of Nursing Administration, 50(2), 95-103.

Wel, H., King, A., Jlang Y., Sewell, K. A., & Lake, D. M. (2020). The Impact of nurse leadership styles on nurse bumout: A systematic
Iterature review. Nurse Leader, 185), 439-450.


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