Policy Proposal
NURS FPX 6004 Assessment 2 Pollcy Proposal EZ
This assessment will provide an Insight of policy proposal at Mercy Health to overcome the gap In its suggested metrics. This wil be
done by providing evidence for why it Is crucial to Improve upon the metric requirements outlined by Mercy Health. The second
stage entalls proposing ethically acceptable solutions that would enhance measurement performance difficulties, with particular
attention pald to environmental varlables’ role in this respect. If we want to answer questions about the effectiveness of
measurements, we need to pravide these methods. Finally, give a policy plan that is both concise and clear and offers options for
how state, federal, or local policies may help address performance difficulties. Finally, please elaborate on stakeholder
participation’s role in effective and efficient policy implementation.
NURS FPX 6004 Assessment 2 Policy Proposal EZ
Proposed Change in Organizational Policy
Mercy Health’s current benchmark was designed to ensure that all its patients get the best possible dlabetes screening and
preventive care. 2016 and 2017 applicants have their pick of three different exams. The HgbA1C level was measured, and the feet
and eyes were examined. The quality of service requlred corresponds to the targets set for each quarter. To establish spedific
criteria, we planned to conduct 45 eye exams, 80-foot exams, and 140 HgblAc tests. None of the three programs could meet the
benchmark requirements. Therefore, they were required to develop plans for how they might better Include patients and
community people.
Using these criterla, It is dear that the hospltals commitment to healthy lifestyles is far higher than that of the surrounding
population (Prasad et al., 2018). Having fewer people be tested means more people will be sick, which is terrible for everyone’s
health. Since this Is the case, the quallty of care provided decreases. The mied-race, mled-ethnicity settlements nearby will grow
In population as a result. The Indidence of dlabetes is higher in rural areas, which are also characterized by less engagement from
hospitals and communitles, according to several studies. There is an Increase In patient disease and preventable sickness when
there are not enough resources at health fadilities to encourage community engagement.
Ethical Evidence-Based Strategy by Applicable Local, State or Federal
It has been argued that hospltals should create and maintain connections with the surrounding communitles to enhance hospltal
standards. Even though community leaders may have different objectives and Interests, this should be done. Establishing a trust to
achleve community agreement over health requirements and Involvement should be the primary focus of hospltals (Yang et al.,
2018). The hospltal executives and the community leaders need to develop a solld relationship to have explicit knowledge of the
organization’s mission within the community. Patient engagement will Increase as community leaders are educated on the
objectives achieved via varlous community development projects.
Eliminating Disparities In Dlabetes Prevention, Access, and Care Act (EDOPAC) was passed in 2010. In addition, hospitals have to
Include diabetic seminars and community health falrs in their programming to win patients’ support (Amaya & De Lombaerde,
2021). Hospital visitors and patients can participate in hospital preventive health or screening activitles when relationships
between the hospltal and the community have been established. One of the recommendations I would make Is the execution of
educational programs by means of small groups, in the form of question-and-answer sessions with the floor open for discussion.
Second, combine advertising by distributing booklets detalling the advantages of diabetes testing and promote the measures
Mercy Health is offering to battle this avoldable condition (Shenker et al, 2021). And last, support dlabetes management education
and awareness programs every quarter.
This will reaffirm to both patients and workers of Mercy that the hospital is dedicated to the battle against this Illness. There Is a
strong resonance between community dlabetes workshops and health falrs and ethically based practices such as goodwil. The
term “beneficence” refers to behaviours that serve the best interests of patients and the families of patients. These activities are
being held to promote awareness, safety, and preventable testing in the hopes of contributing to the overall development and
well-being of the patients at Mercy Hospital and the community surrounding the hospital (Javanparast et al,, 2018) In addition to
this, these acts are culturally Inclusive since they contribute to the cohesion of society, with an emphasis on the protection of
patients and the enhancement of their health.
Analysis of Potential Impacts of Environmental Factors on Practices
Inadequate hospital funding and a lack of appropriate facilities are two environmental factors that may affect the course of action I
advise. There Is a correlation between hospital Involvement in community programs and these two environmental factors. If the
demand for medical services exceeds the capacity of healtheare faciities, several factors may play a role. It is also noted that
people have lofty expectations about the quality of care they will get, despite the reality that limited healthcare funding may
prevent providers from meeting those demands (Zambon et al., 2020). Therefore, hospitals’ ablity to properly manage thelr
financial resources Influences the kind of community outreach programs they can pravide.
Service delivery, Including dlagnosis and the implementation of treatment programs, may be negatively affected if this doesn’t
happen. The extent to which a hospital follows CDC regulations is one factor that is suggested to be considered while formulating
strategles (Lee et al., 2020). Healthy People 2020 s a program of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to reduce the
harmful effects of preventable diseases like dlabetes on the population by promoting healthy Ifestyles and identifying those at
risk. Hospitals, communitles, and health centers are responsible for adhering to the CDC’s guidelines, testing, and education
programs to ensure adequate steps are taken to enhance patient health. A few examples of organizatlonall resources that might
Impact strategy Include the hospital staff and the associated costs that would be spent to host a community event.
NURS FPX 6004 Assessment 2 Policy Proposal EZ
It is challenging for hospitals to be Innovative while still meeting the needs of their patients, maintalning compliance with
healtheare laws, generating revenue, and staying within thelr financial mean. Volunteer work is one way to lessen the lmpact of
problems lke these, and Mercy Hospitall should encourage its employees to do so. People working in hospitals would do so
knowing their contributions would be used to ralse quality standards and benefit the locall population (Lee et al,, 2020). In addition,
holding events off-site, such as at community centers and other venues, might help cut down on wasteful spending.
Propose A Succinct Policy
As part of the policy, I would set up to execute the suggested technques for fixing the performance problem with the relevant
federal health care policy, and I would hold hospital seminars and community health fairs as part of a community medicall
outreach program. By establishing this strategy, the proposed solutions to the problem may be Implemented (Coccia, 2020).