Relevant Benchmark Metrics that Call for a Need of New Policy
This policy calls for the formation of a key administrative committee which will be joined by a key member of medical and nursing
staff in addition to the experts from the administration department. The committee will oversee the action plans formulated for
the enhancement of the quality-of care provision. The committee will also make sure that tralning sessions of staff are conducted
and before any test results are handed to the patients, they are cross-checked via Electronc Health Reports to ensure that no
Incident of missed dlagnosis occurs. The staff should be educated to report the cases of missed dlagnosis and document the
happening so that a precise record can be maintalned (Bernolt et al., 2018).
Need for a Policy
The underperformance of HgbA1C exams and a reported increase in the Incidents of missed dlagnosis of dlabetes at the Mercy
Health Center ralses a huge amount of concern concerning the issue of the well-being of dlabetes patlents. National Health and
Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) has reported that HgbA1C is a test that is most often used for the dlagnosis of dlabetes in
patients (Sequist et al., 2018). It is an Important tool for screening dlabetes in Individuals (Berget et al, 2019). Thus, additional care
must be given to ensure that these tests are properly administrated and the dlagnosis is accurately reported.
Effect of New Policy on the Stakeholders
It is proposed that the key administrators in the policy Implementation will be asked to joln and form a committee. The purpose of
this committee will be to address the issue of proper Implementation and seamless operation of the proposed policy for the
reduction in rates of missed diagnosis of diabetes. Nurses will also be a part of this committee and in addition to this role, they wil
also perform the function of Identifying the number of cases and Incidents of these events of missed dlagnosis.
To ensure transparency in the whole process as well as guarantee efficlent dellvery of care, the board members wil take full
responsibility. In addition to these stakeholders, the patient and the patient’s family also play a key role in this process since they
are at the recelving end of the health care (Salsho, 2018). The stakeholders will have unlque feedback to provide which will ald in
Improving the practice guidelines for the proposed policy.
Proposed policy and Practice Guidelines as a Way of Improving Quality
Outcomes for Stakeholders
The proposed committee will perform the function of role accountability and play part in the articulation and enhancement of the
quallty of care provided at the Mercy Health Center. The key administrative committee can also perform the task of articulating
safety and strengthening a culture of welfare and protection among the staff at the Mercy Health Center. This will help to Increase
the quality of care since the coordination and exchange of ideas among the expert personnel in the key administrative committee
will take place.
NURS FPX 6004 Assessment 3 Attempt 1 Policy Proposal Presentation
Strategies for Collaborating with Stakeholder Group to Implement the Policy
Relevant Benchmark Metrics that Call for a Need of New Policy
This policy calls for the formation of a key administrative committee which will be joined by a key member of medical and nursing
staff in addition to the experts from the administration department. The committee will oversee the action plans formulated for
the enhancement of the quality-of-care provision. The committee will also make sure that tralning sessions of staff are conducted
and before any test results are handed to the patients, they are cross-checked vla Electrone Health Reports to ensure that no
Incident of missed dlagnosis occurs. The staff should be educated to report the cases of missed dlagnosis and document the
happening so that a precise record can be maintalned (Bernolt et al., 2018).
Need for a Policy
The underperformance of HgbA1C exams and a reported increase In the Incidents of missed dlagnosis of dlabetes at the Mercy
Health Center ralses a huge amount of concern concerning the issue of the well-being of dlabetes patlents. National Health and
Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) has reported that HgbA1C is a test that is most often used for the diagnosis of dlabetes In
patients (Sequist et al, 2018). It is an Important tool for screening dlabetes in individuals (Berget et al, 2019). Thus, additional care
must be given to ensure that these tests are properly administrated and the dlagnosis is accurately reported.
Effect of New Policy on the Stakeholders
It is proposed that the key administrators in the policy implementation will be asked to joln and form a committee. The purpose of
this committee willl be to address the Issue of proper Implementation and seamless operation of the proposed policy for the
reduction in rates of missed diagnosis of diabetes. Nurses will also be a part of this committee and in addition to this role, they will
also perform the function of identifying the number of cases and incidents of these events of missed dlagnosis.
To ensure transparency In the whole process as well as guarantee efficlent dellvery of care, the board members will take full
responsibility. In addition to these stakeholders, the patient and the patient’s family also play a key role in this process since they
are at the recelving end of the health care (Salsho, 2018). The stakeholders will have unlque feedback to provide which wil ald in
Improving the practice guidelines for the proposed policy.
Proposed policy and Practice Guidelines as a Way of Improving Quality
Outcomes for Stakeholders
The proposed committee will perform the function of role accountability and play part in the articulation and enhancement of the
quallty of care provided at the Mercy Health Center. The key administrative committee can also perform the task of articulating
safety and strengthening a culture of welfare and protection among the staff at the Mercy Health Center. This will help to Increase
the quality of care since the coordination and exchange of ideas among the expert personnel in the key administrative committee
will take place.
An Important role of stakeholders is to ensure monitoring of the health care providers is done vigllantly. The role of the main
nursing staff in this committee will be to provide insight gained from their firsthand experience when dealing with the problems of
missed diagnosis. Additionally, IT staff will play part in ensuring a smooth implementation and use of a visuall dashboard and EHR
for the proper administration of HghA1C so that the errors in reading the diagnosis are ellminated. This will work to reduce the
rates of missed dlagnosis as well.
Diabetes is a disease that shares comorbidity with several health issues and diseases. It Is assoclated with obesity, cardiovascular
disorder, and several other renal and liver Issues. In the health care settings, It has been shown that hyperglycemla, as well as
hypoglycemla, are associated with levels of morbidity and mortality rates (Bernolt et al, 2018). Through strict adherence to the
guidelines described in the proposed policy program, the issue of diabetes missed dlagnosis in health care settings can be readily
solved. To resolve the issue of missed diagnosis of diabetes, a thorough collaboration between the stakeholders is required. By
putting the Interests of patients foremost, we can guarantee a smooth dellvery of care to dlabetic patients.
I hope the policy proposall and the principal guidelines for the implementation of this proposal will be helpful for all the
stakeholders and give them a better underusing of how the ground rules for policy Implementation at a health care center are lald.
This will be helpful for them to understand the dynamlcs of pollcy formation as well as execution of polides at a health care facility
In this case the Mercy Health Center. The scope of this proposal in addition to the required strategles has been discussed to
address the function of stakcholder Involvement in the application and implementation of these polickes.
Benolt, S. R., Zhang, Y., Gelss, L. S., Gregg, E. W., & Albright, A. (2018). Trends in diabetic ketoacidosis hospitalizations and In-
hospital mortality – United States, 2000-2014. MMWR. Morbidity and Mortalty Weekly Report, 67[12), 362-365.
Berget, C., NIL P., Wyckoff, L., Patrick, K., Brooks-Russell, A., & Messer, L. H. (2019). Equipping school health personnel for diabetes
care with a competency framework and pllot education program. The Journal of School Health, 89(9), 683-691.
NURS FPX 6004 Assessment 3 Attempt 1 Policy Proposal Presentation
Peimani, M., Nasii-Esfahani, E., & Sadeghi, R. (2020). Patlents’ perceptions of patient provider communication and diabetes care: A
systematic review of quantitative and qualltative studies. Chronic Illness, 16[1), 3-22.
Peters, A. L., & Garg, S. K. (2020). The silver lining to COVID-19: Avolding diabetic ketoacidosis admissions with telchealth. Dlabetes
Technology & Therapeutics, 22(6], 449-453.
Salsho, Y. (2018). Use of Dlabetes Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire in dlabetes care: Importance of patient-reported
outcomes. International journal of Enwronental Research and Public Health, 15(5), 947.