
NURS FPX 6011 Assessment 3 Evidence-Based Population Health Improvement Plan EN

Evidence-Based Population Health Improvement Plan
NURS FPX 6011 Assessment 3 Evidence Based Population Health Improvement Plan EN

Diabetes is currently one of the most pressing public health Issues in the United States. Obesity ls a major risk factor for dlabetes
and cardlovascular disease, both of which are avoldable diseases. All of these things may be avolded with proper Information and
Ifestyle hablts. Dlabetes Is the sith largest cause of mortality in the United States, with dlabetes belng a co-morbidity In 25% of
those who die due to other diseases (CDC, 2021). Thirty milion Individuals in the United States have been dlagnosed, with seven
million more walting to be dlagnosed (CDC, 2021). This research will shed light on the recent events of dlabetes, its demographics
In the US, and what should be future health-related plans to decrease It.

Environmental and Epidemiological Data
In the United States, researchers discovered that persons of different races have varled rates of dlabetes. Among the five raciall
groups cavered in the US Census, Pacific Islanders and American Indlans do have the highest Incidence of diabetes. They’re more
than two times more prone to have the disease than white people, who have an 8% risk of developing it as adults (Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, 2020). African-Americans and Aslan-Americans are also more likely than whites to get dlabetes.
Rates can also differ based on ethnicity. Asian Indlans are 2-3 considerably more probable than Korean-Americans to develop
dlabetes (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020). It is far less common among Alaska Natives than among American
Indlans In the US state of Southern Arizona.

Researchers are continuously looking Into several varlables that may Increase the risk of dlabetes in persons of specific races or
ethnicity. But thus far, they’ve examined a few possibilities for why the discrepancies exist.

Type of body. Getting overwelght or obese Increases your risk of developing type 2 dlabetes significantly. But it’s also crucial to
know how much of body welght is made up of adipose and where it’s stored. Aslan have somewhat higher excess fat than whites
of similar height and welght. According to studies, African-Americans have less potasslum in their body than whites. Potasslum
shortage has been related to an Increased risk of type 2 dlabetes. At the very same time, African.Americans may be stronger at
producing Insulin than whites in general.

Diet and way of life. It’s also Important to consider how and where you live. Dlabetes affects a higher percentage of Chinese-
Americans than it does in rural China. When compared to Japanese, the same would be true for Japanese-Amerlcans. The disparity
might be due to high-fat, high-sugar Western diets, according to researchers. According to a recent study, the more Mexican-
American youngsters adopted a conventional American lifestyle, the higher thelr dlabetes rates were. Researchers belleve it’s since
more Americanized youngsters are more Ikely to eat fast food and receive fewer workouts.

NURS FPX 6011 Assessment 3 Evidence-Based Population Health Improvement

Plan EN

The geneties. Despite the disparitles in race and ethnicity, most studles have indicated that genes have little effect on diabetes
risk. No matter what the Indlvidual’s background is, the same behaviors and situatlons that Increase the chances apply to

Diabetes affected 37.3 milion Americans In 2019, or 11.3 percent of the population. Type 1 dlabetes affects almost 1.9 million
Americans, Including 244,000 children and young adults. According to the data collected by American Dlabetes Association, (2022),
for those who have been dlagnosed and those who have not been dlagnosed: 28.7 million of the 37.3 million Individuals with
dlabetes were dlagnosed, whereas 8.5 million went undlagnosed. Seniors’ prevalence: At 29.2 percent, or 15.9 million senlors, the
number of Americans aged 65 and more remains high (dlagnosed and undlagnosed). Every year, 1.4 million people in the United
States are dlagnosed with diabetes. Predlabetes: 96 milion Americans aged 18 and over had predlabetes In 2019. Around 283,000
Americans under the age of 20 are projected to have dlabetes, accounting for about 356 of the population. The yearly prevalence
of dlagnosed diabetes in adolescents was expected to be 18,200 cases of type 1 dlabetes and 5,800 cases of type 2 dlabetes in
2014-2015. 4.5 percent of American Indlans and Alaska Natives live In the United States. Non-Hispanic blacks account for 12.1% of
the population. Hispanics make up 11.8 percent of the population. Aslan Americans make up 9.5 percent of the population. Non-
Hispanc whites make up 7.4% of the population. In 2017, the overall cost of confirmed dlabetes in the United States was $327
bilion. Direct medical costs totaled $237 billion. Reduced productivity costs $90 billion. After accounting for varlations In
population age and sex, average medical costs among persons with dlabetes were 2.3 times greater than they would be If they
didn’t have dlabetes.

During this research, there were some Information gaps observed such as the relation of nurses with the treatment of dlabetes.
There were few and far between sources that had any sort of data avallable for study. There were unanswered questions on
whether there are any permanent treatments for dlabetes for the patients that have already acquired it. Upon further Inspection
of this question, It came to light that there are stil some volds left in healthcare for the treatments, for now, there are preventive
measures and medications for those that have It.

Ethical Health Improvement Plan
The ethical health Improvement plan includes the promotion of lifestyle changes on a governmental stage. Changes In healthcare
policies so that both the patients and the healthcare providers are benefitted from these updated regulations. Education and
awareness of dlabetes should be made especially in the most vulnerable population as well as training and educational courses for
nurses and other health care providers so that they are more efficient in thelr care and treatment plans for dlabetic patients.
Changes In the documentation and records of dlabetic patients should be made so that both the patient and healtheare provider
have easy access to them. Testing and dlagnosing every Individual in the community for dlabetes has to be done so that there is as
much data avallable for sclentists in their research so that they can figure out the factors that influence dlabetes, the cause as well
as produce new treatments for such patlents that cannot use the market avallable medications. Use of telchealth for meeting and
holding sessions with patients as well as other healthcare prowiders that are separated by a huge distance but hold necessary
Information and data for the treatment. Welght loss programs should be widespread in every community lke gyms with trainers
skiled in welght loss. Behavior counseling has to be avallable for the patient virtually and in person, especially for those that have
Issues regarding thelr eating plans, and Iifestyle changes, and those that show carelessness in taking thelr medicine in the correct
dosage and at the right time.

NURS FPX 6011 Assessment 3 Evidence-Based Population Health Improvement
Plan EN

An ethical improvement plan would include goals and strategles for the patients, the community, the state, and the healthcare
providers as stakeholders (Golden et al., 2017). From this research, it is clear that only lifestyle changes and help from healtheare

providers as stakeholders (Golden et al., 2017). From this research, it is clear that only lifestyle changes and help from healthcare
professionals can decrease the chances of dlabetes. A similar plan has been Implemented in Europe called the DE PLAN, where
exercises, changes in lifestyle cholces as well as medical help have been altered for the individuals that have dlabetes and those
who are likely to get it in the future (Gills-Januszewska et al., 2018).

In this study by Schmittdiel et al., (2017), It Is clear that the health system needs improvement in the quality and care of dlabetic
patients. The Issues seen in the healthcare system are mainly related to documentation, Individual needs, and not so-good care
plans. Gruss et aL (2019) have explalned the much-needed plan for the US taking Into account the socioeconomic and health care
policies, community resources, enironmental factors, and healthy food cholces promotions.

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Strategies for Communication
Nurses should communicate with coworkers, patients, and thelr families in an ethical and culturally approprlate manner. Even If
there are some language problems and gaps in knowledge, the first step nurses can do is to follow etiquette, such as researching
the cultural concerns and customs of patients and thelr relatives before approaching them directly (Chen, 2020). Furthermore,
refraining from using slang in communication might assist nurses and professionals in employing more appropriate phrases. In a
cross-cultural setting, speaking slowly is essential to ensure that patlents comprehend typical dialogues. This wil give the audience
more time to process the Information.

Furthermore, engaging in active Iistening with coworkers is essentlal for Improving cross-cultural interaction. It Is thelr
responsibility to ensure that nurses accurately understand elders. It is the responsibility of nurses to ensure that elders are
understood accurately, and they must take turns speaking while attentively Iistening (Brooks, 2019). The language barrier is a
possible stumbling block, which is why nurses should study several languages and take an Interest in expanding their vocabularies,
Ike vocabularles from the most prevalent languages in the US, which may help them communicate with patlents more effectively.


CDC. (2021, December 16). Type 2 Dlabetes. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
https://www.cde.gowdlabetes/basics/type2.html# :-: text=More20than62037%20milion5620 Americans

Golden, S.H., Maruthur, N., Mathioudakis, N. et al. The case for diabetes population health Improvement: evidence-based
programming for population outcomes in dlabetes. Curr Diab Rep 17, 51 (2017). https://dolorg/10.1007/s11892-017-0875-2

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020). National diabetes statistics report, 2017 estimates of diabetes and its burden
In the Unted States background. In CDC. https://www.cde.gowdlabetes/pdfs/data/statistics/natlonal-dlabetes-statistics-report.pdf

American Dlabetes Association. (2022, February 4). Statisties about dlabetes | ADA.

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